Program to Reverse a Number Using while Loop
This application asks the user for a number, then flips each digit. To continually extract the final digit and construct the reversed integer, we'll need a while loop. #include <stdio.h>…
This application asks the user for a number, then flips each digit. To continually extract the final digit and construct the reversed integer, we'll need a while loop. #include <stdio.h>…
All that this application does is print the integers between 1 and 100. A for loop that begins at 1 and continues until it reaches 100 will be used. #include…
Explanation: This Program shows how to print Fibonacci numbers… For input/output, we include the required library.For each loop iteration, we declare i and n, respectively, depending on how many Fibonacci…
This application assists the user in determining which day of the week a given number between 1 and 7 corresponds to. When a user enters a number, we match that…
Explanation: This Program will help you to find the largest three numbers. The stdio.h library is first included so that we may utilize input/output routines.To save the numbers that the…
Users of this program can carry out addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, among other fundamental arithmetic operations. Two numbers will be entered by the user, who will also select an…
Explanation: This program shows how to use a temporary variable to swap two numbers. First, the user provides us with two digits. In order to switch them, we first assign…