1 | Hello World Program |
2 | Add Two Numbers |
3 | Find Maximum of Two Numbers |
4 | Swap Two Numbers |
5 | Check Even or Odd |
6 | Check Prime Number |
7 | Check Leap Year |
8 | Find Factorial of a Number |
9 | Print Fibonacci Series |
10 | Reverse a Number |
11 | Check Palindrome Number |
12 | Check Armstrong Number |
13 | Sum of Digits of a Number |
14 | Count Number of Digits |
15 | Find Largest of Three Numbers |
16 | Simple Calculator using Switch Case |
17 | Print ASCII Value of a Character |
18 | Find GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) |
19 | Find LCM (Least Common Multiple) |
20 | Convert Decimal to Binary |
21 | Convert Binary to Decimal |
22 | Convert Decimal to Octal |
23 | Convert Octal to Decimal |
24 | Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal |
25 | Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal |
26 | Check Vowel or Consonant |
27 | Sum of n Natural Numbers |
28 | Print Multiplication Table |
29 | Count Even and Odd Digits |
30 | Power of a Number |
31 | Find Square Root (without using sqrt) |
32 | Find Prime Numbers in a Range |
33 | Check Perfect Number |
34 | Print Star Pyramid Pattern |
35 | Print Inverted Pyramid Pattern |
36 | Floyd’s Triangle |
37 | Pascal’s Triangle |
38 | Armstrong Numbers between Two Intervals |
39 | Print All Factors of a Number |
40 | Check Automorphic Number |
41 | Check Harshad Number |
42 | Find Sum of Array Elements |
43 | Find Maximum and Minimum in an Array |
44 | Reverse an Array |
45 | Find Second Largest Element in an Array |
46 | Count Frequency of Elements in an Array |
47 | Merge Two Arrays |
48 | Sort Array using Bubble Sort |
49 | Sort Array using Insertion Sort |
50 | Sort Array using Selection Sort |
51 | Search an Element in an Array (Linear Search) |
52 | Binary Search |
53 | Matrix Addition |
54 | Matrix Subtraction |
55 | Matrix Multiplication |
56 | Transpose of a Matrix |
57 | Check Symmetric Matrix |
58 | Upper and Lower Triangular Matrix |
59 | Find Sum of Diagonal Elements in a Matrix |
60 | Reverse a String |
61 | Check Palindrome String |
62 | Count Vowels and Consonants in a String |
63 | Concatenate Two Strings |
64 | Compare Two Strings |
65 | Convert Lowercase to Uppercase and Vice Versa |
66 | Find Length of a String (without strlen) |
67 | Remove Duplicates from String |
68 | Sort a String Alphabetically |
69 | Reverse Words in a String |
70 | Find Frequency of a Character in a String |
71 | Convert Roman Numerals to Decimal |
72 | Find Power using Recursion |
73 | Find Factorial using Recursion |
74 | Find GCD using Recursion |
75 | Fibonacci Series using Recursion |
76 | Tower of Hanoi |
77 | Decimal to Binary using Recursion |
78 | Binary to Decimal using Recursion |
79 | Find Sum of Digits using Recursion |
80 | Reverse a Number using Recursion |
81 | Check Prime using Recursion |
82 | Generate Permutations of a String |
83 | Merge Sort using Recursion |
84 | Quick Sort using Recursion |
85 | Count Words in a Sentence |
86 | Find Sum of Series (e.g., 1/1! + 2/2! + …) |
87 | Simulate Basic Banking System (Deposit, Withdraw) |
88 | Convert Infix Expression to Postfix |
89 | Evaluate Postfix Expression |
90 | Convert Infix Expression to Prefix |
91 | Evaluate Prefix Expression |
92 | Implement Stack using Arrays |
93 | Implement Queue using Arrays |
94 | Implement Circular Queue using Arrays |
95 | Implement Linked List (Singly Linked List) |
96 | Implement Linked List (Doubly Linked List) |
97 | Insert and Delete Node in Linked List |
98 | Reverse a Linked List |
99 | Find Middle of Linked List |
100 | Detect Cycle in a Linked List |
101 | Implement Stack using Linked List |
102 | Implement Queue using Linked List |
103 | Implement Circular Queue using Linked List |
104 | Implement Binary Search Tree |
105 | Inorder Traversal of Binary Tree |
106 | Preorder Traversal of Binary Tree |
107 | Postorder Traversal of Binary Tree |
108 | Level Order Traversal of Binary Tree |
109 | Insert Node in Binary Search Tree |
110 | Delete Node in Binary Search Tree |
111 | Find Height of Binary Tree |
112 | Count Nodes in Binary Tree |
113 | Check if Binary Tree is Balanced |
114 | Check if Binary Tree is Symmetric |
115 | Find Lowest Common Ancestor in Binary Tree |
116 | Implement Hash Table using Arrays |
117 | Implement Hash Table using Chaining |
118 | Implement Binary Heap |
119 | Find Shortest Path using Dijkstra’s Algorithm |
120 | Implement Depth First Search (DFS) |
121 | Implement Breadth First Search (BFS) |
122 | Check Bipartite Graph |
123 | Find Connected Components in Graph |
124 | Implement Kruskal’s Algorithm |
125 | Implement Prim’s Algorithm |
126 | Find Strongly Connected Components (Kosaraju’s Algorithm) |
127 | Detect Cycle in Graph |
128 | Find Topological Sort using DFS |
129 | Find Topological Sort using Kahn’s Algorithm |
130 | Implement Trie Data Structure |
131 | Find Longest Common Subsequence |
132 | Find Longest Increasing Subsequence |
133 | 0/1 Knapsack Problem using Dynamic Programming |
134 | Find Minimum Coin Change |
135 | Find Minimum Edit Distance (Levenshtein Distance) |
136 | Implement Huffman Coding |
137 | Find Maximum Subarray Sum (Kadane’s Algorithm) |
138 | Implement AVL Tree (Balanced Binary Search Tree) |
139 | Solve N-Queens Problem using Backtracking |
140 | Implement LRU Cache |
141 | How To Use C Programming To Make A Spiral Matrix |