Program to check if a year is a leap year or not
Explanation: Standard I/O library is included.As an input from the user, we declare a variable year.The user is prompted to input and view a year.To determine if a year qualifies…
Explanation: Standard I/O library is included.As an input from the user, we declare a variable year.The user is prompted to input and view a year.To determine if a year qualifies…
Explanation:The required library is included.Sum is used to store the total, digit is used for each individual digit, and num is used for input.Entering an integer and reading it is…
Explanation: We have included the library for I/O.We define num for the user’s input, reversed for the reversed integer, and remaining for the final digit.We prompt the user to enter…
Explanation:The required library is included.We define that i will represent the iteration and n will retain the number for which the table will be printed.The user is asked to provide…
Explanation: The standard library for input/output is included.Iteration is denoted by i, and user input by n. initialized to one for the factorial.The user is asked to provide a number,…
Explanation: This Program will help you to find number is positive, negative or Zero. First, we include the library required for I/O operations.We declare an integer variable num to store…
Explanation: This Program shows how to print Fibonacci numbers… For input/output, we include the required library.For each loop iteration, we declare i and n, respectively, depending on how many Fibonacci…
Explanation: This Program will help you to find the largest three numbers. The stdio.h library is first included so that we may utilize input/output routines.To save the numbers that the…