Print Inverted Pyramid Pattern
Explanation of the Code Header Files: The program includes stdio.h to use standard input and output functions. Getting User Input: We declare an integer variable rows to store the number…
Print Star Pyramid Pattern
Explanation of the Code. Header Files: The program includes stdio.h to utilize standard input and output functions. Getting User Input: We declare an integer variable rows to store the number…
Converting decimal to octal
Explanation: Purpose of the Program The main goal of this program is to take a decimal (base-10) number as input and convert it to its octal (base-8) representation. This involves…
Find Prime Numbers in a Range.
Explanation of the Code Loops through each number in the range and uses the isPrime function to check if it’s prime. If it is, the number is printed. Header Files:…
Floyd’s Triangle
Explanation: Variables: rows: Holds the number of rows for Floyd’s Triangle (user input). i, j: Loop counters for rows and elements in each row. number: Starts at 1 and increments…
Find the Sum of Array Elements
Explanation of the Program Example Output Here’s how the program would interact with a user: User Input: Enter the number of elements in the array: 5 Enter the elements of…
Find Connected Components in Graph
Understanding Connected Components In graph theory, a connected component is a subset of vertices such that there is a path between any two vertices in this subset. In simpler terms,…
find maximum and minimum in an array
Explanation of the Program Example Output Here’s how the program would interact with a user: User Input: Enter the number of elements in the array: 5Enter the elements of the…