Program to Check if a Number is Even or Odd
This program checks a number to see if it is even or odd. The amount that the user types in is saved in the number variable. The modulus operator (%)…
Program to Add Two Numbers Entered by the User
The person running this app needs to enter two numbers. Each number is read by the scanf() method and saved in num1 and num2. The variable sum is then used…
Program to Find the Size of Different Data Types
This code displays the amount of memory (in bytes) that is set aside for various types of data in C. To find out how big an int, float, double, or…
Program to Take Input from the User and Display It
The person who runs this app is asked to enter a number. When you call the scanf() method, it will take in a value and store it in the number…
Program to Print “Hello, World!”
There is only one very simple C program, and it says “Hello, World!” The first thing it does is include the stdio.h library, which has methods like printf() for input…