#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
// Function to convert octal to decimal
int octalToDecimal(const char *octal) {
int decimal = 0; // Variable to store the decimal value
int length = strlen(octal); // Get the length of the octal string
// Loop through each character in the octal string
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// Convert the character to an integer
int digit = octal[length - 1 - i] - '0'; // Extract digit from right to left
decimal += digit * pow(8, i); // Add to decimal value
return decimal; // Return the computed decimal value
int main() {
char octal[20]; // Array to hold octal input
// Get user input
printf("Enter an octal number: ");
scanf("%19s", octal); // Read the octal input
// Call the conversion function
int decimal = octalToDecimal(octal);
printf("Decimal equivalent: %d\n", decimal); // Print the result
return 0; // Indicate successful completion
Header Files:
#include <stdio.h>: This is for standard input and output functions like printf() and scanf().
#include <math.h>: This is used to calculate powers (pow()) in the program, which is necessary to convert octal digits to decimal.
octalToDecimal Function:
This function takes an integer as input, which represents the octal number.
It initializes two variables: decimalNumber to store the result and i to keep track of the power of 8.
The loop runs while octalNumber is not zero.
Inside the loop:
remainder = octalNumber % 10: This extracts the last digit of the octal number.
decimalNumber += remainder * pow(8, i): The digit is multiplied by 8^i and added to the decimal number.
octalNumber /= 10: The last digit is removed.
i++: This increments the power of 8 for the next digit.
main Function:
This is where the execution starts. It first asks the user to input an octal number.
Then it calls the octalToDecimal function to perform the conversion and prints the result.
Enter an octal number: 157
Decimal equivalent: 111
How It Works:
When you input 157 (octal), the program treats it as: