#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX 100

int graph[MAX][MAX];  // Adjacency matrix to represent the graph
int color[MAX];       // Array to store colors assigned to vertices
int n;                // Number of vertices

// Function to perform DFS and check bipartiteness
int isBipartiteUtil(int node, int c) {
    color[node] = c;  // Assign color to the current node

    // Explore all adjacent vertices
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // If there is an edge and the adjacent vertex is uncolored
        if (graph[node][i]) {
            if (color[i] == -1) {
                // Recursive DFS call with alternate color
                if (!isBipartiteUtil(i, 1 - c)) {
                    return 0;  // Not bipartite
            } else if (color[i] == c) {
                return 0;  // Not bipartite if the same color is found
    return 1;  // Successfully colored

// Function to check if the graph is bipartite
int isBipartite() {
    // Initialize color array with -1 (indicating no color assigned)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        color[i] = -1;

    // Check each component of the graph
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (color[i] == -1) {  // If not colored
            if (!isBipartiteUtil(i, 0)) {
                return 0;  // Not bipartite
    return 1;  // Graph is bipartite

int main() {
    printf("Enter number of vertices: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter adjacency matrix (0/1):\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            scanf("%d", &graph[i][j]);

    if (isBipartite()) {
        printf("The graph is bipartite.\n");
    } else {
        printf("The graph is not bipartite.\n");

    return 0;

Explanation of the Code

  1. Data Structures:
    • graph[MAX][MAX]: This is an adjacency matrix where graph[i][j] is 1 if there is an edge between vertex i and vertex j, and 0 otherwise.
    • color[MAX]: This array stores the color assigned to each vertex. It’s initialized to -1 to indicate that no color has been assigned yet.
    • n: This variable holds the number of vertices in the graph.
  2. Function isBipartiteUtil:
    • This is a recursive function that attempts to color the graph. It takes a node and the current color c.
    • It assigns the color to the current node and recursively colors its adjacent nodes with the alternate color (0 becomes 1 and vice versa).
    • If it finds a conflict (an adjacent node has the same color), it returns 0, indicating that the graph is not bipartite.
  3. Function isBipartite:
    • It initializes the color array.
    • It checks each vertex; if it’s uncolored, it calls isBipartiteUtil. If any component is found to be non-bipartite, it returns 0.
  4. Main Function:
    • It prompts the user for the number of vertices and the adjacency matrix.
    • It then calls the isBipartite function and prints whether the graph is bipartite.

Sample Input and Output


Mathematica Copy code Enter number of vertices: 4
Enter adjacency matrix (0/1):
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0

The graph is bipartite.

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