Implement Binary Heap
Code Explanation 4. Output When you run the program, you can expect output similar to the following: Conclusion This implementation covers the basics of a binary heap with insertions and…
Code Explanation 4. Output When you run the program, you can expect output similar to the following: Conclusion This implementation covers the basics of a binary heap with insertions and…
Explanation of the Code Running the Program To run this program: Execute the program: Sample Output When you run the program, you will see output similar to this: Explanation of…
Explanation of the Code Output of the Program When the above program is executed, the output will be: This output matches the expected order of visiting nodes in postorder for…
Explanation: Output: Explanation of the Output: Key Points:
Explanation: Output: When you run the above program, the output will display the in-order traversal of the BST: Explanation of Output:
Explanation: Output: Explanation of the Output:
Explanation Height Calculation: The height function calculates the height of the tree recursively by determining the maximum height between the left and right subtrees and adding 1 for the root…
Explanation Step 1: Structure Definition Step 2: Creating a New Node Step 3: Counting Nodes Step 4: Main Function and Tree Creation The countNodes() function is called with the root…
Explanation of the Code: Output: For the given sample tree: The output would be: Explanation of Output:
Explanation Output When the program runs with the example tree, the output will be: If you modify the tree structure in the main function (e.g., remove a node), it will…