Check Prime Number
Explanation: OUTPUT Enter an integer: 77 is a prime number. Summary: The program checks divisibility starting from 2 up to number/2. If any divisor is found, the number is not…
Find Factorial of a Number
Explanation: Returning 0: The program returns 0 to indicate successful execution.cCopy codereturn 0; Including the standard input-output library: We include the stdio.h header file so we can use printf for…
Check Leap Year
Explanation: Returning 0: We return 0 at the end of the program to indicate that the program has finished executing successfully.cCopy codereturn 0; Including the standard input-output library: We include…
Print Fibonacci Series
Explanation: OUTPUT Enter the number of terms: 10Fibonacci Series: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 Summary: It uses a simple loop and updates the terms of…
Reverse a Number
Explanation Including Libraries: Including Libraries:c#include <stdio.h>This line includes the standard input-output library, allowing us to use functions like printf and scanf.Main Function:cint main() { ... }This is the entry point…
Check Armstrong Number
Explanation: Including Libraries: Including Libraries:c#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>We include stdio.h for input and output and math.h for mathematical functions like pow.Main Function:cint main() { ... }This is where the execution starts.…
Sum of Digits of a Number
Explanation: Including Libraries:c#include <stdio.h>This line includes the standard input-output library, allowing us to use functions like printf and scanf.Main Function:cint main() { ... }This function is where the program begins…
Count Number of Digits
Explanation: Include the Standard I/O Library: Main Function: Variable Declaration: User Input: Handling the Zero Case: Handling Negative Numbers: Counting Digits: Display the Result: Return Statement: OUTPUT Enter an integer:…
C Program to Find the Largest of Three Numbers
Explanation Include the Standard I/O Library: Main Function: Variable Declaration: User Input: Finding the Largest Number: Display the Result: Return Statement: OUTPUT Enter three numbers: 10 20 30 The largest…